The contest fourth edition

In Turin, in the pedestrian area of Via Montebello, from 23rd of June to 10th September 2018 it will be possible to visit the 5th edition of the exhibition of the International Illustration Contest That's a Mole!

That's a Mole is the international illustration contest born in 2013 to promote the most original and artistic interpretations of the visual symbol of the City of Turin, the Mole Antonelliana, starting from its shape.
A qualified jury of artists and illustrators selected for the exhibition 29 artworks among the thousands that arrived from more than 60 different countries.

Among the selected artworks the following prizes and awards have been awarded:

- a € 1.000 prize for the winning artwork of the 5th edition;

- a €250 “Fermi tutti” Special Prize assigned by the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), section of Turin, as part of the celebrations of the 10th anniversary of the Fermi satellite;

- a €250 “Social Communication” Special Prize assigned by Casa di Carità Arti e Mestieri, connected to the project “In - Probation valid alternative: community sanctions beyond prison”;

- 3 Special Mentions assigned by the City of Turin, by the National Museum of Cinema and the IED Istituto Europeo di Design di Torino.

Finally, two artworks have been selected for the Educational Section among the authors younger than 18 years old and/or among the authors living in socio-educational realities (kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, educational centres and workshops for minors and people with disabilities).

The exhibition is made with the support of the students of professional school in light welding carpentry that Fondazione Casa di Carità Arti e Mestieri Onlus realizes at the “Santa Caterina” Detention House in Fossano (CN) - Project “Ferro & Fuoco jail design”.

Download the Entry Form

Download the pdf with the Entry Form and the shape of the Mole to enter the competition.


I don't have a credit/debit card.  How can i do for payments?
In case you can not proceed with the payment by paypal, you can pay after you uploaded your works, sending the amount of 10 € to our satispay account or, as a last option, by making a bank transfer following a request via email.

I don't have a paypal account. How can i do for payments?

It's not necessary to have a paypal account to pay. Once clicked on the pay button, paypal will ask you if you want to use your credit/debit card data if you don't have a paypal account or you don't want to use it.


May I present a 3D proposal (fabric, collage, pop-up, clay…)?
It is possible to present a handmade 3D work given that the final shape fits within the template (Annex B) and is printable, sending it via photo or scanning.


May I present a video proposal?
In the current contest's edition in not included a section for video proposals. The proposals are only high-resolution images for printing. It is not excluded that in future editions we can extend the contest to other media.


How the background has to be?
The choice of the background is free. It’s especially required for the illustration to be within the shape of the annexed template, in order to ensure the recognisability of the monument of the Mole Antonelliana.


Has the format to be 17x40 cm?
The size of the sheet is FREE, but the proposal MADE must be in proportion to the template (annex B) provided. In the final file Mole Antonelliana proposal must be high resolution and with the dimensions required (17x40cm, 300dpi).


Is it compulsory to retain the border of the shape?
No, it isn’t. The border indicates the shape within which present the illustration, but isn’t requested to be part of the final proposal. Elements which protrude the template shape are also allowed, given that they don’t compromise the recognisability of the monument.


‘Mole’ is the English word for Talpa Europeæa; has the illustration to deal with the actual animal?
No, it hasn’t. ‘Mole’ is here Mole Antonelliana, monument symbol of the city of Torino. The topic of the proposal is free and hasn’t to deal with the animal.

For more information email

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the project
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